K-Means Clustering for Smart Cities: An EmpiricalStudy in Indian Context

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Biswajit Biswas
Sayantan Ghosh


Cities are the concourse of people where they live, meet with new people in their daily life, exchange their thoughts and ideas with close one, and earn better livelihoods so that everyone can access proper education, better health facilities, and other essential services and live in a hazards free peace full environment. The Idea behind smart cities is to provide data-driven solutions to social problems, especially in a densely populated area of the country. The population continues to grow and urbanization is causing an explosion in urban areas. Advanced data-supported solutions with the help of technology can be the best solution for simple Governance. Smart City is a data-driven solution for managing people and city resources effectively that helps monitor and manage resources. It helps to make social and economic decisions intelligently. The authors studied and found out the present problem which is lacking between the basic infrastructure for community service particularly in India's small-to-medium cities and the existing smart city development plan


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Biswajit Biswas and Sayantan Ghosh, “K-Means Clustering for Smart Cities: An EmpiricalStudy in Indian Context”, IJSCE, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 20–26, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijsce.B8114.14030724.


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