A Study on Effective Teaching of Fuzzy Controller Design Using ChatGPT

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Dong Hwa Kim


This paper deals with an effective teaching method of fuzzy controller design using ChatGPT and Python in the University. Currently, ChatGPT and related technology penetrate into all areas such as text, image, video, as well as AI areas and industry. ChatGPT technologies are strongly connected with the education of universities and K-12 because of easy using and correct response. There are two categories of AI-related education. The first one is AI-supported education; another thing is education (teaching and learning) to teach AI. In any case, AI and ChatGPT method should be taught with theory and using method. It should be performed with S/W for student’s understanding. This paper provides a method on how ChatGPT can be well used fuzzy controller design in education. To illustrate ChatGPT based fuzzy controller design, this paper uses ChatGPT prompt and suggests a good prompt skill.


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How to Cite
Dong Hwa Kim , Tran., “A Study on Effective Teaching of Fuzzy Controller Design Using ChatGPT”, IJRTE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 28–42, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.C8139.13030924.

How to Cite

Dong Hwa Kim , Tran., “A Study on Effective Teaching of Fuzzy Controller Design Using ChatGPT”, IJRTE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 28–42, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.C8139.13030924.
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