A Framework to Optimize Student Performance using Machine Learning

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Mr. Abhijeet Joshi
Dr. Avinash S. Kapse


For scholars, mining data and extracting information from huge databases has emerged as an intriguing field of study. Since a few decades ago, the concept of using data mining techniques to extract information has been around. The dataset was originally intended to be partitioned and the inherent features examined using classification and clustering algorithms. They base their predictions on these characteristics. These forecasts have been made in the area of educational data mining for a variety of reasons, including to predict student success based on personal characteristics and help students find the right professors and courses. These goals have been drawn from the attrition and retention of students. These objectives are the focus of our research on student attrition and retention. Additionally, we have found exciting variables that aid in predicting students' success, suggesting the most qualified instructors, and assisting them in course selection.


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How to Cite
Mr. Abhijeet Joshi and Dr. Avinash S. Kapse , Trans., “A Framework to Optimize Student Performance using Machine Learning”, IJRTE, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 27–30, May 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.A8052.13010524.

How to Cite

Mr. Abhijeet Joshi and Dr. Avinash S. Kapse , Trans., “A Framework to Optimize Student Performance using Machine Learning”, IJRTE, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 27–30, May 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.A8052.13010524.
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