FPGA Based Efficient OFDM Based Design and Implementation for Data and Image Transmission for Healthcare

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Vasanth Kumar T R


Enormous growth in telecommunication industry demands for high speed data transmission with better quality of service (Qos). The telecommunication networks are offering the services which is from 1 Mbps to several Mbps of speed. However, most of the existing techniques address to assure the very high speed data for multimedia communication. The multimedia data may find a suitable application in healthcare system. The OFDM modulation technique promises to provide the multimedia services at rather high speed using the spectrum more efficient compared traditional scheme like TDMA, FDMA. The orthogonality of carriers eliminates the interference among the closely packed carriers and offers comparatively efficient bandwidth. The OFDM design requires choosing proper parameter selection.  Important feature of OFDM is that the multipaths are effectively eliminated by choosing a higher cyclic prefix values which, gives significant results but causing more energy loss. This paper presents an efficient design for OFDM transceiver by using FPGA. The design is modeled and simulated using Matlab Simulink and finally the design is coded using Verilog RTL and simulated in modelsim and synthesizing and implementation is done using in Xilinx EDA tool. The image type of data is taken for transmission in the proposed OFDM transceiver system. The received image type data achieves PSNR value of 29.920dB and the binary input data achieves 36.06% improvement in power utilization and less area overhead. The paper also shows the improvement in area and power compared to existing authors.


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How to Cite
Vasanth Kumar T R , Tran., “FPGA Based Efficient OFDM Based Design and Implementation for Data and Image Transmission for Healthcare”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 28–33, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.C7865.0912323.

How to Cite

Vasanth Kumar T R , Tran., “FPGA Based Efficient OFDM Based Design and Implementation for Data and Image Transmission for Healthcare”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 28–33, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.C7865.0912323.
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