A Study On 8d Methodology in Manufacturing Industry

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Dr. N. Venkateshwaran
Kashyap V V N


Paper This study delves into the measurement and optimization of the manufacturing process, through the implementation of the 8D Methodology in problem-solving. The paper discusses the fundamental aspects of the manufacturing industry and the specific products manufactured by the company. Utilizing secondary data from relevant journals, the research aims to identify potential production issues and enhance efficiency by applying the 8D Methodology. The study employs an experimental approach, analyzing 15,018 samples obtained from the final inspection of produced tubes. Attribute analysis using the p-chart reveals process non-conformance and identifies defects affecting production efficiency. Various tools, including the Pareto diagram, Fishbone diagram, flow chart, and Decision matrix, are utilized to propose corrective and preventive actions. A Comparative study on the 8D methodology at various industries is outlined. The findings suggest that optimization of the manufacturing process is achievable through proactive measures. By implementing the recommended actions, the study proposes further refinement of the manufacturing process. The p


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Dr. N. Venkateshwaran and Kashyap V V N , Trans., “A Study On 8d Methodology in Manufacturing Industry”, IJMH, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 28–32, Feb. 2025, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.J1722.11060225.
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