Cloud-based Internet of Things Approach for Smart Irrigation System

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Pandimadevi Ganesan
Thushara Hameed
Maheswari Maruthakutti


The agriculture sector is facing numerous challenges such as water scarcity, climate change, and low productivity due to outdated farming practices. In most of the countries, 75% of their GDP depends on the agricultural products. Hence at most care has to be taken to introduce modern technology in the agriculture sector to enhance its productivity and efficiency. This paper presents an IOT Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System aimed to increase the agricultural productivity through automating and optimizing crop management. The first objective of the proposed system is to supply the water to the crops based on soil moisture and the surrounding temperature. It can be achieved through soil moisture sensor, DHT11 sensor, light sensitive module and Node MCU. All sensors are interfaced with Node MCU. The data collected through sensor will be processed by the processor. Whenever the soil moisture is less and temperature is more, the pump will be automatically switched on for irrigation. Apart from this the collected data from sensor is also transmitted to the cloud through Thingspeak. The same information can be accessed by the farmers to monitor the crops remotely and improve the productivity. By providing farmers with real-time data on their crops, the system can help them make informed decisions regarding water and fertilizer usage, pest control, and harvesting times. This, in turn, can lead to increased crop yields, reduced costs, and improved profitability. With the increasing demand for food production and the need to address the challenges of climate change and food security, this project serves as a promising solution for sustainable agriculture.


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Pandimadevi Ganesan, Thushara Hameed, and Maheswari Maruthakutti , Trans., “Cloud-based Internet of Things Approach for Smart Irrigation System”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 19–24, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.L9995.13121124.
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