A Comprehensive Methodology for Image Recognition Utilizing Machine Learning and Computer Vision: Automation of the Harvesting Process

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Nadia Adibah Rajab
Dr. Nor Asmaa Alyaa Nor Azlan
Prof. Dr. Wong Kuan Yew
Prof. Dr. Adi Saptari
Prof. Dr. Effendi Mohamad


This study aims to investigate the machine learning techniques implemented in image recognition technology for the identification and classification of oil palm fruit ripeness. The accurate determination of fruit ripeness is crucial for optimizing harvest time and improving oil yield. The palm oil industry is one of the major plantations in Malaysia. The harvesting process of oil palm fruit was conducted with traditional methods by relying on manual inspection, which can be subjective and inconsistent. Plus, it required several workers. A model of image recognition was developed using machine learning algorithms and computer vision to automate the harvesting process and overcome the shortage of labor issues. Implementing this technology in the field could lead to more consistent harvests and higher-quality oil production. Several machine learning models were developed, trained, and tested for their ability to classify the ripeness stages. The findings suggest the trending techniques in implementing image recognition which can provide a reliable and efficient tool for assessing oil palm fruit ripeness.


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Nadia Adibah Rajab, Dr. Nor Asmaa Alyaa Nor Azlan, Prof. Dr. Wong Kuan Yew, Prof. Dr. Adi Saptari, and Prof. Dr. Effendi Mohamad , Trans., “A Comprehensive Methodology for Image Recognition Utilizing Machine Learning and Computer Vision: Automation of the Harvesting Process”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 7–12, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.K9994.13121124.
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