Datadog with Zigbee Wireless Communication Network Protocol for an Internal Implementation in an Educational Institution
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Wireless Sensor Networks are the most powerful technique for monitoring Environmental factors. As the role of WSN relies totally on the service life of the sensor nodes, it is necessary to have complete monitoring of networks. Energy efficiency has always been a key concern for Wireless sensor networks. This paper presents a detailed literature review that examines how an artificial intelligence networking tool(datalog)can be used with ZIGBee-based network protocol for continuous Real-time data quality monitoring to detect bad data quality issues in an educational organization It also Tracks and improves application speed by following requests from beginning to end and monitoring application performance. By using AI algorithms for routing choices and optimization methods, the study aims to improve network performance, energy efficiency, and system scalability. The analysis of different routing strategies with AI implementations will be covered, emphasizing the potential advantages and challenges of this innovative approach in an organization.
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