UMIT Project Management System

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Dr. Anita Morey
Tanvi Chile
Sejal Jadhav
Seher Shah


Usha Mittal Institute of Technology evaluates students' projects through multiple stages over various semesters. To manage all the project functionality and evaluation of these projects per student using an automated system, we proposed the UMIT Project Management System. Currently, UMIT handles all the project work manually. The UMIT has many phases of the projects. In the Third year semester-VI, there is Project I, which has two phases Project I-A and Project I-B. In the Final year semester-VII students have Project II with phases as Project II-A and Project II-B. Similarly, in Final Year semester-VIII there is Project III with phases Project III-A, Project III-B, Project III-C, and Project III-D. All these phases have their rubric format for the evaluation. Managing all these phases with specific rubric formats and calculation of marks is very complicated on a manual basis. To perform all the project-related activities like submission of synopsis, evaluation schedule, group forming, guide allocation, Rubric mark sheet, etc. UMIT Project Management System is developed. By alleviating manual burdens associated with project evaluations, the UMIT PMS enhances accuracy and transparency, fostering an organized academic environment focused on quality and innovation. Its user-friendly design ensures accessibility for all users, promoting efficiency and innovation in project management.


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Dr. Anita Morey, Tanvi Chile, Sejal Jadhav, and Seher Shah , Trans., “UMIT Project Management System”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 29–35, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.H9935.13080724.
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