Exploring the Spectral Database of Food Samples Using ASD Field Spec 4 Spectroradiometer

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Vijay Dhangar
Dinesh Barode
Pravin Dhole
Akshay Kshirsagar
Dr. Bharti Gawali


Accurate and precise spectral measurements reflect the inherent properties of the material being analyzed. However, certain factors contributing to changes in spectral signatures can adversely affect the quality of spectral measurements. In this study, we utilized the ASD FieldSpec4 Spectroradiometer, which offers an extensive spectral range spanning from 350 to 2500 nanometers, along with its associated software, to construct a spectral library of food samples. This paper defines a method for standard spectral reflectance measurements and the process for data collection.


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Vijay Dhangar, Dinesh Barode, Pravin Dhole, Akshay Kshirsagar, and Dr. Bharti Gawali , Trans., “Exploring the Spectral Database of Food Samples Using ASD Field Spec 4 Spectroradiometer”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 15–20, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.H9922.13080724.
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