Comparative Analysis of SVM and CNN Techniques for Brain Tumor Detection

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Dinesh M. Barode
Rupali S. Awhad
Vijay D. Dhangar
Dr. Seema S. Kawathekar


A brain tumor is the most common disease on earth and it is harmful to people. Tumors are the uncontrolled growth of cells and tissues in the human brain called a tumor. The image is acquired using CT scans and Magnetic Resonance Images. The identification of tumors at an early stage is critical and challenging for researchers. A patient comes to the hospital when he starts suffering from pain, headache, omission etc and at that time, if he has a tumor, To recognize the tumor early stage it is very different to identify whether it is benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), many techniques or methods are available for detection of tumor here we apply SVM algorithm and CNN on brain Magnetic Resonance Images for classification of a benign or malignant tumor. Here, we propose a system based on the new concept of simple tumor detection that uses feature extraction techniques, segmentation algorithm and classification. To identify similar patients who have or do not have a brain tumor, as well as to ascertain the type of tumor they have and their tumor sizes. By comparing both SVM & CNN which technique is more beneficial and which one is better in both? The performance of SVM classifiers is measured in terms of training effectiveness and classification accuracy. With 95% accuracy, it manages the process of brain tumor categorization in MRI scans. The efficacy of training and classification accuracy of the CNN classifier is compared (96.33%). Both methods get high accuracy but as compared to SVM, CNN provides more accuracy and consumes less time for execution.


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How to Cite
Dinesh M. Barode, Rupali S. Awhad, Vijay D. Dhangar, and Dr. Seema S. Kawathekar , Trans., “Comparative Analysis of SVM and CNN Techniques for Brain Tumor Detection”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 27–33, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.G9908.13070624.

How to Cite

Dinesh M. Barode, Rupali S. Awhad, Vijay D. Dhangar, and Dr. Seema S. Kawathekar , Trans., “Comparative Analysis of SVM and CNN Techniques for Brain Tumor Detection”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 27–33, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.G9908.13070624.
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