A Case Study on the Diminishing Popularity of Encoder-Only Architectures in Machine Learning Models

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Praveen Kumar Sridhar
Nitin Srinivasan
Adithyan Arun Kumar
Gowthamaraj Rajendran
Kishore Kumar Perumalsamy


This paper examines the shift from encoder-only to decoder and encoder-decoder models in machine learning, highlighting the decline in popularity of encoder-only architectures. It explores the reasons behind this trend, such as the advancements in decoder models that offer superior generative capabilities, flexibility across various domains, and enhancements in unsupervised learning techniques. The study also discusses the role of prompting techniques in simplifying model architectures and enhancing model versatility. By analyzing the evolution, applications, and shifting preferences within the research community and industry, this paper aims to provide insights into the changing landscape of machine learning model architectures.


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Praveen Kumar Sridhar, Nitin Srinivasan, Adithyan Arun Kumar, Gowthamaraj Rajendran, and Kishore Kumar Perumalsamy , Trans., “A Case Study on the Diminishing Popularity of Encoder-Only Architectures in Machine Learning Models”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 22–27, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.D9827.13040324.

How to Cite

Praveen Kumar Sridhar, Nitin Srinivasan, Adithyan Arun Kumar, Gowthamaraj Rajendran, and Kishore Kumar Perumalsamy , Trans., “A Case Study on the Diminishing Popularity of Encoder-Only Architectures in Machine Learning Models”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 22–27, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.D9827.13040324.
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