Revolutionizing Solar Energy Conversion: A Neural MPPT-Controlled Photovoltaic Regulator

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Ibrahima Gueye
Abdoulaye Kebe
Oumar Dia
Mosstapha Diop


This article presents the design of an innovative photovoltaic solar regulator equipped with a neural MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) control and an advanced battery charge and discharge management algorithm. The main objective of this research is to significantly improve the efficiency of solar energy conversion into electrical energy by optimizing the maximum power point and effectively regulating battery charging and discharging. The neural MPPT control represents a major advancement in the field of solar energy. Unlike conventional algorithms, this approach enables the regulator to adapt to environmental variations, such as fluctuations in sunlight. As a result, the regulator can constantly adjust the maximum power point, ensuring a high efficiency of the solar system. The battery charge and discharge management algorithm is a crucial element in the regulator’s design. Effective battery management is essential to maintain a balance between solar energy supply and electrical equipment consumption. Through this algorithm, the battery is kept within optimal charge ranges, thereby avoiding overcharging or excessive discharging, which contributes to prolonging its lifespan. To evaluate the performance of the proposed photovoltaic solar regulator, detailed simulations were conducted using the Matlab/Simulink software. The obtained results confirmed a significant improvement in solar energy conversion efficiency. The combination of the neural MPPT control and the battery management algorithm allows the system to operate optimally, even under changing environmental conditions. The practical applications of this research are diverse. This enhanced solar regulator could be deployed in remote regions without access to the traditional power grid. It also provides an effective solution for rural or isolated areas where solar energy can be a viable energy source, but intelligent management is required to ensure stable electrical supply. In conclusion, this study presents a significant advancement in the field of photovoltaic solar energy, combining a novel neural MPPT control with an advanced battery management algorithm. The simulation results clearly demonstrate a substantial improvement in solar energy conversion efficiency and more efficient battery management. This regulator opens up new possibilities for the utilization of solar energy in various demanding environments, offering a promising solution for powering remote or off-grid areas.


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How to Cite
Ibrahima Gueye, Abdoulaye Kebe, Oumar Dia, and Mosstapha Diop , Trans., “Revolutionizing Solar Energy Conversion: A Neural MPPT-Controlled Photovoltaic Regulator”, IJITEE, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 36–44, Aug. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.I9713.0812923.
Author Biographies

Ibrahima Gueye, ENSETP, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Sénégal.

Dr. Ibrahima Gueye I have nineteen (19) years of experience in Technical Education and Vocational Training. I hold a Ph.D. in Automation, Production, Signal and Image, and Cognitive Engineering from the University of Bordeaux. Additionally, I have a Master's degree in Renewable Energies and Electrical Systems, as well as two pedagogical certificates. I have taught in technical and vocational training at the National Center for Professional Qualification (CNQP) in Dakar. CNQP is a public institution with commercial and industrial objectives, responsible for providing initial training to young individuals who have not received vocational education, as well as professional development for those already in the workforce. Moreover, CNQP offers training services upon request from companies. To fulfill this mission, CNQP adopts a pedagogical approach that involves a continuous liaison with businesses to define their training and development needs. For more than a decade, I have been actively involved in this training system, starting as a trainer and later becoming the Director of Initial Training. Currently, I am an associate professor at the Higher National School of Technical and Vocational Education. In this institution, I actively contribute to the training of teachers destined for technical and vocational education. In the Department of Industrial Techniques at ENSETP, I am responsible for the electrical engineering program as well as a recently established Mechatronics program at the undergraduate level. For both programs, under the department's supervision, I handle the complete management of teaching and learning activities, including scheduling, organizing training, and coordinating all pedagogical activities. In addition to my pedagogical activities, I am also actively engaged in research. I am affiliated with the Energy, Water, Environment, and Industrial Processes Laboratory (L3EPI) at the Polytechnic Superior School of Dakar, where I collaborate with a team of researchers on the design of electronic systems involved in the energy chain of photovoltaic solar systems (inverters, charge controllers, etc.). Our aim is to optimize the transfer of electrical energy produced and promote the local manufacturing of electronic systems.

Abdoulaye Kebe, ENSETP, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Sénégal.

Dr. Abdoulaye Kebe is a teacher-researcher at UCAD in Dakar. He holds a doctorate in physics from the University of Paris Sud in 2013. He holds a Certificate of Aptitude in Technical Vocational Secondary Education (CAESTP). His research is mainly oriented towards renewable energies. He is the author of several publications in the field of energy conversion In addition, he obtained a master's degree in Analysis, Design and Research in the Field of Engineering Technologies in Education (ACREDITE) at the University of Cergy Pontoise in 2016. He teaches electrical engineering and is also involved in the professionalization of student teachers by taking charge of modules related to specialty didactics. He is currently Director of ENSETP.

Oumar Dia, ENSETP, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Sénégal.

has been a Teaching-Researcher since October 2022 in the Department of Industrial Sciences and Technologies (STI) at the Higher National School of Technical and Vocational Education of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (ENSETP/UCAD). He teaches automation, industrial computing, classical and renewable energy production, electricity, and electrical networks. He holds a Doctorate degree from Iba Der THIAM University of Thiès in Science and Technology, specializing in Photovoltaic Solar Energy. In 2012, he obtained a Certificate of Aptitude for Technical Vocational Secondary Education Teaching from ENSETP/UCAD. He served for nine years at the Electrotechnics Department of the National Center for Professional Qualification as a teacher, where he was the head of the Computer and Industrial Automation (I.I.A.) section and the head of the continuing education department. His research is mainly focused on renewable energies, power converters, signal processing, and intelligent systems. He has published in several international journals.
Nothing is to be believed anymore; everything is to be known!

Mosstapha Diop, ENSETP, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Sénégal.

Dr. Moustapha Diop was born in Senegal, in 1987. He received the Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical systems and renewable energies from ESP, UCAD, in 2014 and 2018, respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the STI Department, ENSETP, UCAD, and a permanent researcher at the 3EPI Laboratory of ESP. His current research is basically focused on power converter, control systems, and renewable energies. Dr. Diop has published some papers.

How to Cite

Ibrahima Gueye, Abdoulaye Kebe, Oumar Dia, and Mosstapha Diop , Trans., “Revolutionizing Solar Energy Conversion: A Neural MPPT-Controlled Photovoltaic Regulator”, IJITEE, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 36–44, Aug. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.I9713.0812923.
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