Encrypt Express: Security Enhancement, Maximizing Load Utilization in Cargo Transport through IoT and Algorithmic Solutions

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Eshwari A Madappa
V Sankalp Reddy
Rajaneesh R
Shashank A S
Sudeep S Kodad


The Encrypt Express model revolutionizes cargo logistics by leveraging IoT technology to improve safety, security, and efficiency. It integrates the DHT11 sensor to monitor environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, ensuring optimal storage of goods. Using one-time password (OTP) access for the doors significantly enhances security, while the cargo compartment is divided into two slots for better cargo management. The features of the model include distance-based pricing, optimizing costs based on journey length. To improve user experience and tracking, an intuitive user interface (UI) is combined with the Leaflet Maps application programming interface (API), providing real-time location data and easy navigation. Additionally, the system allows alerts to be sent via email if parameters such as temperature or humidity exceed defined thresholds, ensuring quick intervention and cargo security. This comprehensive approach offers many benefits such as security through OTP access, enhanced environmental monitoring through sensors, cost-effective pricing through distance-based calculation and managing goods effectively with divided compartments. The user-friendly UI and powerful tracking capabilities further enhance the system, making “ENCRYPT EXPRESS” a promising solution for the future of cargo logistics. By modernizing cargo operations, it sets new standards in reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, transforming the way cargo is managed and transported in the logistics industry.


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Encrypt Express: Security Enhancement, Maximizing Load Utilization in Cargo Transport through IoT and Algorithmic Solutions (Eshwari A Madappa, V Sankalp Reddy, Rajaneesh R, Shashank A S, & Sudeep S Kodad , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(8), 20-26. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.E4490.12080724
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