Fabrication of Remotely Controllable Robotic Weed-Ejector Vehicle

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K Girishma Yadav
Prof. B. Durga Prasad


Weed is an unwanted plant in an agriculture field that keeps the crop plants deprived of sunlight, fertilisers and water. If not removed, weed reduces the crop output to a larger extent i.e., endangering the farmer’s interests. There are three main reasons for leaving weed to grow in fields and substantial loss of crop output 1) non-availability of agricultural labour, 2) fear of snake bites and 3) higher amounts of time required for weed injection. As of there are no successful ROVs (Remotely operating vehicles) to get to the weed and capable of pulling off the weed without the farmer physically entering into the agricultural fields. The Proposed model reduces farmers getting exposed to snake bites during weed ejection and reduces the time and labour requirement for weed ejection. The project involves the study of different mechanisms required for weed pull-off from the agricultural fields and remote-control systems, modelling of components, fabrication of components, assembly and testing of the Remotely Controllable Robotic Weed-Ejector Vehicle.


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Author Biographies

K Girishma Yadav, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh), India.

K Girishma Yadav, M.Tech Degrees from JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous) in Ananthapuramu in Product Design, B.Tech specialised in Mechanical Engineering. My academic journey reflects a deep passion for mechanical engineering and a commitment to advancing the field. showing my skills in both design and hands-on fabrication. I did the project on the fabrication of a remotely controllable robotic weed-ejector vehicle.  The model minimises farmers' exposure to snake bites and reduces labour in weed ejection. It involves studying mechanisms, remote control, fabrication, assembly, and testing. Expert in problem-solving and analysis. My goals contribute meaningfully to improving safety and minimising snake bite risks during weed ejection. Reduce the time and labour involved in weed management.

Prof. B. Durga Prasad, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh), India.

Prof. B. Durga Prasad, M.Tech, PhD, Professor & Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, brings 20 years of expertise in teaching and placement excellence. Known for his dedication and passion, he motivates students to achieve both academic and personal growth. He has supervised 50 M.Tech dissertations and PhD research at Sathyabama University and JNTUA, with 14 PhD students currently under his guidance. Additionally, he serves on doctoral committees at several universities, consistently exceeding expectations for his position.

How to Cite

K Girishma Yadav and Prof. B. Durga Prasad , Trans., “Fabrication of Remotely Controllable Robotic Weed-Ejector Vehicle”, IJEAT, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 17–22, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.A4537.14011024.
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