Malware Detection Using Artificial Intelligence: Techniques, Research Issues and Future Directions

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Zahra Jabeen
Khushboo Mishra
Mohit Kumar Mishra
Binay Kumar Mishra


Artificial intelligence (AI) is an effective technology used for upgrading the security posture against a variety of security challenges and cyber-attacks that cyber security teams may use. Malware is a software which aims to access a device without the explicit permission of its owner. Forensics investigations report that many organizations have encountered unusual records, collected by their antiviral security monitoring systems. Most of their arrangements skeptically pass a large amount of diplomatic data through various unethical strategies that make malware identification tougher. However, these procedures have varied limitations that call for an unused inquiry about the track. This study explores the complex relationship between malware detection and AI [1]. This paper provides insights into performance evaluation metrics and discusses several research issues that impede the effectiveness of existing techniques. The study also provides recommendations for future research directions and is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working in the field of malware detection.


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Author Biographies

Zahra Jabeen, Department of Computer Science, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara (Bihar), India.

Zahra Jabeen is a Research Scholar in the University Department of Computer Science from Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, Bihar, India. Her work, published in renowned Scopus and UGC journals, has generated critical discourse and earned prestigious accolades. She has completed her Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) and Master in Technology (M. Tech) in Computer Science & Engineering.

Khushboo Mishra, Department of Physics, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara (Bihar), India.

Khushboo Mishra is a Research Scholar in the P.G Department of Physics from Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, Bihar, India. She is determined to bring some positive advancements in the society with research findings in her work.

Mohit Kumar Mishra, Department of Electronics, Manipal University, Jaipur (R.J), India.

Mohit Kumar Mishra is a Research Scholar in the Department of Electronics and Communication from Manipal University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. He aims at proving connections among technical advancements of physical world with the mythological background and has wide knowledge of vedic physics.

Binay Kumar Mishra, Department of Physics, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara (Bihar), India.

Binay Kumar Mishra is working as a Professor in P.G Department of Physics, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, Bihar, India. He has qualified in MS. c., Ph.D , Physics with specialisation in Plasma Physics, Nano Flow and IoT. He has an educational experience of more than 29 years.

How to Cite

Zahra Jabeen, Khushboo Mishra, Mohit Kumar Mishra, and Binay Kumar Mishra , Trans., “Malware Detection Using Artificial Intelligence: Techniques, Research Issues and Future Directions”, IJEAT, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1–5, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.A4531.14011024.
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