Contactless Smart Attendance System Using Facial Recognition and QR Code

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Simran B.Wanjare
Dr. J. R. Mahajan
Prof. S. S. Gadekar


Over the years manual attendance management has been carried out across most educational institutions. To overcome the problems of manual attendance, I have developed a Smart Attendance System Using Facial Recognition [2][5] & QR Code [1]. Attendance monitoring is one of the crucial administrative processes in all educational institutions and organizations. A well-structured system will enable the institutions to grow increasingly. It helps the students, teachers, and parents in all ways to progress in attendance and security, thereby reducing the teachers' time and effort. The traditional method of checking the student's IDs and marking their presence/absence is a routine process followed regularly. A contactless smart Attendance system is proposed using facial recognition and QR codes. Firstly, a database containing the facial images and QR scanner of the students in a particular class is constructed. This system is designed to improve the students' engagement time inside the university, to communicate with the parents frequently, to avoid proxy attendance, and to generate detailed reports for future reference.


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Simran B.Wanjare, Dr. J. R. Mahajan, and Prof. S. S. Gadekar , Trans., “Contactless Smart Attendance System Using Facial Recognition and QR Code”, IJEAT, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 13–16, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.F4516.13060824.
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