Design and Development of Fuel Cell Learning through Digital Game-Based Learning to Raise Awareness of Low Carbon Emissions

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Nur Fadhilah Abdul Jalil
Umi Azmah Hasran
Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor
Muhammad Helmi Norman


Fuel cell technology is currently being widely promoted to the general public as one of the most promising sustainable energy sources that can contribute to reducing carbon emissions. Considering this, digital game-based learning (DGBL) was created to educate the general public about fuel cells, with a focus on the younger generation such as secondary school students. This paper discusses the design and development phases, during which instructional design and game elements are integrated into producing a fuel cell DGBL prototype. Five-panel experts examine the learning content to make sure it is valid in the design phase. Next, two testing cycles were conducted on the developed fuel cell DGBL prototype: one internal group test and one focused group test including five 14-year-old students from a chosen secondary school. During the testing, three different approaches to collecting data were used: written surveys, in-person interviews, and observation. The outcome presents useful information that may be applied to enhance the game's efficacy and playability. Therefore, any novice designer or practitioner can benefit from these findings' helpful advice while developing an effective DGBL.


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Nur Fadhilah Abdul Jalil, Umi Azmah Hasran, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor, and Muhammad Helmi Norman , Trans., “Design and Development of Fuel Cell Learning through Digital Game-Based Learning to Raise Awareness of Low Carbon Emissions”, IJEAT, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 49–56, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.C4361.13030224.
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