Enhancing Occlusion Handling in Real-Time Tracking Systems through Geometric Mapping and 3D Reconstruction Validation

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Dr. Priya.L
Dr. P. Kumar


Object detection is a classic research problem in the area of Computer Vision. Many smart world applications, like, video surveillance or autonomous navigation systems require a high accuracy in pose detection of objects. One of the main challenges in Object detection is the problem of detecting occluded objects and its respective 3D reconstruction. The focus of this paper is inter-object occlusion where two or more objects being tracked occlude each other. A novel algorithm has been proposed for handling object occlusion by using the technique of geometric matching and its 3D projection obtained. The developed algorithm has been tested using sample data and the results are presented.


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Dr. Priya.L, Poornimathi.K, and Dr. P. Kumar , Trans., “Enhancing Occlusion Handling in Real-Time Tracking Systems through Geometric Mapping and 3D Reconstruction Validation”, IJEAT, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 7–13, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.F4259.0812623.
Author Biographies

Dr. Priya.L, Department of Information Technology, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.

Dr. L. Priya received Ph.D. degree in computer vision from Anna University India. She has 20 Years of teaching experience and been with Rajalakshmi Engineering College, India since June 2009. She has delivered invited talks in both academic institute and conducted practical training sessions to many leading industries in Chennai. She has received many awards which includes life time achievement award from Institute of Researchers, Kerala, India. She has chaired sessions and acted as reviewer for SCI indexed journals from Springer, Elsevier and Wiley Publications. She is currently in the editorial board of technical journals. She has been engaged in teaching, research and consultancy and completed more than 20 consultancy projects in the area of quality control in Machine vision for the reputed companies in India. Being a Training co-ordinator in the centre of Excellence in Machine Vision at Rajalakshmi Engineering College she has conducted more than 70 Hands-on training programs in the area of Machine vision. She has published more than 50 research papers in reputed journals. She authored a book titled A Guide to quality control in machine vision with a publisher CRC Press Taylor and series. Her area of specialization includes Machine Vision, 3D object recognition, Digital Image Processing.

Poornimathi.K, Department of Computer Science and Business Systems, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India

Ms. K. Poornimathi, Assistant Professor(SG), Department of CSBS, Rajalakshmi Engineering College has 16 Years of teaching experience. She published more than 15 papers in conferences and journals. Her area of interest includes Deep learning, Image Processing,Machine Learning. She is presently working on consultancy projects in the area of machine vision, image processing, web application, mobile application and cloud computing.

Dr. P. Kumar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.

Dr. P. Kumar, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering has 23 years of experience and been with Rajalakshmi Engineering College since June 1998. He has delivered invited talks and chaired many sessions in both academic and industry. He has published more than 30 papers which includes Scopus and SCI. He is presently serving as National Student co-ordinator, Computer society of India for the past 3 years and organized number of events in due course of time. He is into research activities and worked on consultancy projects in the area of internet of things, mobile application development, cloud computing and web programming and application development. He is authored a book titled “computer programming” and published with Wiley Publications.

How to Cite

Dr. Priya.L, Poornimathi.K, and Dr. P. Kumar , Trans., “Enhancing Occlusion Handling in Real-Time Tracking Systems through Geometric Mapping and 3D Reconstruction Validation”, IJEAT, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 7–13, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.F4259.0812623.
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