The Effectiveness of Code Reviews on Improving Software Quality: An Empirical Study

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Dr. D. I. De Silva
W. A. C Pabasara
S. V Sangkavi
Wijerathne L.G.A.T.D
Wijesundara W.M.K.H
Reezan S.A


This study intends to investigate how well code reviews contribute to higher software quality. A group of developers working on the study examine source code to find flaws, improve readability, and guarantee compliance with coding standards. The research on the effects of code review on defect discovery, defect prevention, and code maintainability is given together with a thorough overview of the literature on code review and software quality. This study has shown that code review is a highly efficient way to raise the caliber of software. According to the study of several studies and trials, code review significantly reduces flaws and improves code maintainability. Code review helps to increase client satisfaction by making sure the product satisfies their needs. The goal of this study is to highlight the value of code review as a quality assurance technique in software development workflows. The study’s findings provide useful information for software development teams by emphasizing the advantages of code review for raising software quality and customer satisfaction. The results of this study can assist software development teams in incorporating code review into their workflows as a normal procedure, which would improve software quality and cut down on mistakes. In conclusion, this study shows that code review is a highly efficient way to raise the caliber of software. In terms of fault detection and prevention, code maintainability, and customer satisfaction, the study underlines the benefits of code review. This study can influence software development teams to make code review a common practice by highlighting its advantages, which would increase product quality and client satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Dr. D. I. De Silva, W. A. C Pabasara, S. V Sangkavi, Wijerathne L.G.A.T.D, Wijesundara W.M.K.H, and Reezan S.A , Trans., “The Effectiveness of Code Reviews on Improving Software Quality: An Empirical Study”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1–10, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.B7666.0712223.

How to Cite

Dr. D. I. De Silva, W. A. C Pabasara, S. V Sangkavi, Wijerathne L.G.A.T.D, Wijesundara W.M.K.H, and Reezan S.A , Trans., “The Effectiveness of Code Reviews on Improving Software Quality: An Empirical Study”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1–10, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.B7666.0712223.
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