Studying the Influence and Analysis of Online Education on Students’ Health and Education During the Pandemic

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Vijay Kant Sharma
Dr. Dharm Raj Singh
Vinita Singh
Dr. Ranjana Singh


The biggest pandemic in the world is COVID-19 in human history. The COVID-19 epidemic had particularly a negative impact on the education sector. It became necessary for educators and students everywhere to switch to online education to compensate for educational losses. The mental effects and academic challenges brought on by the lockdowns imposed by governments to contain the pandemic have been especially harsh on students. In this paper, we investigate how online instruction affects college and university students’ mental health. A survey was made to gather information for this purpose, including the participant’s academic credentials, use of digital technology, sleep schedules, human interactions, emotional health, and academic success. Students at universities and colleges were given the questionnaire, and 148 of them participated. These findings were gathered and evaluated using statistical methods. The finding shows a clear relationship between online learning and students’ mental health during the pandemic time. The outcomes also demonstrated a positive connection between students’ academic success and the use of digital resources in online education. The negative effects of the pandemic on the educational systems were also emphasized in the results. 


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How to Cite
Vijay Kant Sharma, Dr. Dharm Raj Singh, Vinita Singh, and Dr. Ranjana Singh , Trans., “Studying the Influence and Analysis of Online Education on Students’ Health and Education During the Pandemic”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 6–13, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.35940/.
Author Biographies

Vijay Kant Sharma, Department of Computer Applications, Jagatpur P. G. College, Varanasi-221302 (Uttar Pradesh), India.



Vinita Singh, Department of Computer Applications, MGU Bhopal, (M.P), India.



How to Cite

Vijay Kant Sharma, Dr. Dharm Raj Singh, Vinita Singh, and Dr. Ranjana Singh , Trans., “Studying the Influence and Analysis of Online Education on Students’ Health and Education During the Pandemic”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 6–13, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.35940/.
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