Design and Simulation of an Arduino-Based Password-Protected Door Locking System

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Harishni L
Srisha M
Dr Sandhya S


In the contemporary world, where technology has advanced and with the incidents of thefts increasing, more traditional locking mechanisms such as a single lock and key are needed to offer better security. New reliable, intelligent, and smart door-locking mechanisms are necessary to improve the security and safety of residential or commercial properties. This paper aims to describe the design and implementation of an Arduinobased door lock system that includes an LCD for displaying the related information, a servo motor that controls the door’s locking mechanism, and a keypad that will be used for user input. The suggested method is password protected since it asks the user for their password before accessing a door. When a user enters an erroneous password more than a predetermined number of times, the system also offers the option to reset the password and lock it out for a predetermined period. An additional feature of using the GSM module is to implement a function that notifies the owner of any unwanted access by sending a message to them when the door is locked after the number of erroneous passwords exceeds the set limit, thus alerting the owner of any unauthorized access. The suggested model’s incorporation of these elements contributes to increased security. An online 3D design and simulation tool called Tinkercad is used to simulate the system initially. Thus, the suggested model of a password-enabled door-locking system improves security and offers a solution that is easily adjustable and user-friendly by integrating the hardware components and offering thorough simulation and testing through the software simulation using Tinkercad software.


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How to Cite

H. L. Harishni L, S. M. Srisha M, and Dr Sandhya S , Trans., “Design and Simulation of an Arduino-Based Password-Protected Door Locking System”, IJEAT, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 25–30, Feb. 2025, doi: 10.35940/jeat.B4550.14021224.
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