Dynamic GEN AI-Powered Web Crawling on Azure Using Automation Account and GPT-3.5

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Chandan Srinath
Sakshi Srivastava


The integration of AI-powered automation in web crawling marks a significant advancement over traditional methods, which were often labor-intensive, inflexible, and prone to security risks. This paper presents a case study on the implementation of a dynamic web crawling solution using Azure Automation Account, leveraging GPT-3.5 from Azure OpenAI services. This new approach allows for parameterized execution via automation variables, enabling user-defined requirements to guide the crawler's behavior in a more flexible and intelligent manner. Unlike previous static methods that required constant manual adjustments, our system uses GPT-3.5's Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities to interpret complex instructions and dynamically adapt to various web structures. Post-crawling, the data undergoes a security scan using ClamAV, ensuring its integrity before storage in Azure Blob Storage. SendGrid is employed for user alerts regarding the scan results and storage status. The system is scheduled to run at regular intervals, fully automating the process while maintaining robust security protocols. This paper includes a detailed comparison between traditional web crawling techniques and this AI-driven approach, demonstrating the improvements in efficiency, security, and adaptability.


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Author Biographies

Chandan Srinath, Digital Aviation Solutions, Boeing India, Pt. Ltd., Bangalore, India.

Sakshi Srivastava, Digital Aviation Solutions, Boeing India, Pt. Ltd., Bangalore, India.

Sakshi Srivastava is a talented software engineer hailing from West Bengal, India. She pursued her passion for technology by completing her Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (CSE) from BMS College of Engineering, a prestigious institution in Bangalore. In August 2022, Sakshi began her professional journey as an Associate Software Engineer at Boeing, one of the world's leading aerospace companies. Starting as a fresher, she quickly demonstrated her skills and enthusiasm for innovation and learning. Her curiosity and commitment to personal and professional growth have made her an asset to her team.

How to Cite

Chandan Srinath and Sakshi Srivastava , Trans., “Dynamic GEN AI-Powered Web Crawling on Azure Using Automation Account and GPT-3.5”, IJEAT, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 6–10, Feb. 2025, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.B4556.14021224.
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