Assessment of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel/Graphene/ N-Octanal Blends in Water Cooled Compression Ignition Engine

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Dr. Kiran Kumar Billa
P.H.V.Siva Prasad
K.K.V.V.Krishna Aditya


Biodiesel and alcohols are only two of the numerous alternative fuels that have found widespread commercialization in the transportation and industrial sectors. Cottonseed oil and n-octanol piqued our curiosity again in this regard. The engines used in the experiments are single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engines with a power output of 1.5 kW. The tests are run at 1500 rpm with varying loads on the diesel, cottonseed oil, and graphene mixtures. i.e., BB1(Diesel 75%+ Cottonseed biodiesel 20%+ n-Octanol 5%), BB2(Diesel 75%+ Cottonseed biodiesel 20%+ n-Octanol 5%+ nanographene 25ppm), BB3(Diesel 75%+ Cottonseed biodiesel 20%+ n-Octanol 5%+nanographene 50ppm), BB4(Diesel 70%+ Cottonseed biodiesel 20%+ n-Octanol 10%), BB5(Diesel 70%+ Cottonseed biodiesel 20%+ n-Octanol 10%+ nanographene 25 ppm), BB1(Diesel 70%+ Cottonseed biodiesel 20%+ n-Octanol 10%+ nanographene 50ppm). The findings indicate that incorporating cottonseed oil leads to an improvement in brake thermal efficiency, along with a decrease in specific fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperature. By increasing the amount of cottonseed oil in the blend, the emission parameters such as CO, CO2, NOx, and O2 are reduced, while HC emissions increase. Adding n-octanol and graphene to the cottonseed oil blend diesel fuel has a comparable impact to adding pure cottonseed oil in different proportions. This leads to an increase in brake thermal efficiency, a decrease in specific fuel consumption, and a reduction in exhaust gas temperature.


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How to Cite
Dr. Kiran Kumar Billa, P.H.V.Siva Prasad, M.D.V.Satyasai, and K.K.V.V.Krishna Aditya , Trans., “Assessment of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel/Graphene/ N-Octanal Blends in Water Cooled Compression Ignition Engine”, IJEAT, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 39–46, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.D4426.13040424.

How to Cite

Dr. Kiran Kumar Billa, P.H.V.Siva Prasad, M.D.V.Satyasai, and K.K.V.V.Krishna Aditya , Trans., “Assessment of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel/Graphene/ N-Octanal Blends in Water Cooled Compression Ignition Engine”, IJEAT, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 39–46, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.D4426.13040424.
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