Hybrid Cryptosystem using Lattice Permutation and Chaos Logistic Mapping for Image Security

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Thoti. Sasikala
Kanusu. Srinivasa Rao
Buduri. Reddaiah
Bodi. Susheel Kumar


Every platform of business uses online services and are increasing. Wired and wireless networks are becoming popular day by day. With this the sensitive data is carried over internet on daily basis. Due to rapid growth of networks, information security becomes more important. Hence, there is every chance of misleading the data by unauthorized parties. So, there is need to provide security for the data and cryptography is the science that helps in providing security. Encryption algorithm plays a crucial role in information security. This paper briefly describes a new hybrid system to enhance security. In this work along with traditional operations Lattice permutation is used in encryption process. For key generation Chaos Logistic Mapping is used that shows more resistance while breaking key by unauthorized persons. Services like online transactions may be largely protected with this type of newly proposed hybrid systems.


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How to Cite

Thoti. Sasikala, Kanusu. Srinivasa Rao, Buduri. Reddaiah, and Bodi. Susheel Kumar , Trans., “Hybrid Cryptosystem using Lattice Permutation and Chaos Logistic Mapping for Image Security”, IJEAT, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 34–38, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.D4441.13040424.
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