Characterization of Diatomite for Its use in Construction: Case Diatomite Sampled in Northern Chad

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Abdallah DADI Mahamat
Abakar ALI
Jean-Michel Mechling
Salif GAYE


The need for energy for the purpose of thermal comfort in buildings is constantly growing. To minimize this need, we can improve the performance of the building envelope, which is the seat of several thermal stresses, which encourages us to develop, apart from renewable or alternative energies, construction materials for buildings capable of storing energy. For this, the integration of innovative passive materials in the building envelope makes it possible to reduce energy consumption and ensure thermal comfort in countries with a very hot climate such as the desert zone of Chad. We were thus interested in the characterization of diatomite which is used to build a good majority of dwellings in the Lake Chad, Kanem and BET regions. To this end, samples of diatomite used in the construction were taken from Faya, the capital of the far north of Chad, on which we carried out mineralogical analyzes as well as thermal and mechanical characterization. Observations at the SEM, analyzes by fluorescence of rays X and Diffractograms clearly confirm pure diatomite. Furthermore, the results of the various thermo-physical and mechanical tests presented a material which has a low mechanical resistance but a good thermal resistance. Therefore, the diatomite which has been the subject of this study has no negative effect on the environment, it is an excellent thermal insulation material capable of storing thermal energy in buildings.


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Author Biographies

Abdallah DADI Mahamat, Department of Energy Engineering, National Higher Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Abéché, INSTA, Chad.

Abdallah DADI Mahamat, Doctor in energy, thermal and environment, head of the energy engineering department at Insta. Research at INSTA-Abeche, Chad, doctor at the university of Thies, Senegal and postdoctoral fellow at the LERMAB laboratory of faculty of Sciences ant Technology of Nancy, University of Lorraine, France.
1- A. Dadi, O. Idriss M. Soultant, M.Y. Khayal Y.Elhamdouni, M. Garoum “Effect of Cow’s Dung on Thermophysical Charateristics of Building Materials Based on Clay”. Journal : Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 10(4): 464-470.2
2- A. Abdallah DADI Mahamat, B. Mahmoud Youssouf Khayal, C. Ahmat Charfadine, D. Malloum Soultan, E. Gilbert Menguy, F. Salif Gaye “Improvement of thermal parameters of building materials based on clay. Journal” : 2016 IEEExplore, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-1864-2/16 Print on Demand(PoD): 978-1-5090-1865-9 DOI : 10.1109/REDEC.2016.7577511.
3- Abdallah DADI Mahamat1, Mahamoud Youssouf Khayal2, Macodou Thiam3, Azibert Oumar Abdelakh4, Gilbert Menguy5, Salif GAYE6 “ Thermo-Physical Characterization of Clay Bricks Mixed with Agricultural Waste: Case Millet’s Pod.” Journal : International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Site Web: .pdf

Abakar ALI, Department of Civil Engineering, National School of Public Works, ENSTP, Ndjamena, Chad.

Abakar Ali, Teacher- researcher at the National School of Publics Works, obtains his Phd and Master at the faculty of Science and Technologie (FST) of Nancy, Université of Lorraine, France;
1- A. Ali, Riad BENELMIR? Jean-Louis TANGUIER? Abdoulaye Saleh TODJIBAL, “Mechanical Characteristics of gum Arabie stabilized Ndjamena Clay. ISSN 1813-548X. Afrique SCIENCES 13(5) (2017) 330-341.
2- A. Ali, J.L.TANGUIER R.BENELMIR?? Abdoulaye Saleh TODJIBAL, “Mesurement of mechanical characteristics of compressed clay block stabilized by gum Arabie. ISSN 1813-548X. Afrique SCIENCES 15(1) (2019) 348-360. 

Jean-Michel Mechling, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Lorraine (LERMAB) Nancy, France.

Jean-Michel Mechling, HDR Materials for Civil Engineering team Telephone(s) Teacher researcher at the IJL of the University of Lorraine, author of more than 39 scientific articles.

  1. Use of Additive Based on Non-Timber Forest Products for the Ecological Stabilization of Raw Earth: Case of the Parkia Biglobosa Nut and Vitellaria Paradoxa
  2. Benefits of Chemometric and Raman Spectroscopy Applied to the Kinetics of Setting and Early Age Hydration of Cement Paste
  3. Physicochemical characterisation of the mortars from Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral – Preliminary findings and reconstitution of the fresh mix
  4. Portable quantitative confocal Raman spectroscopy: Non-destructive approach of the carbonation chemistry and kinetics
  5. Relation between cement composition and compressive strength of pure pastes

Tel: +33 (0)3 72 74 70 95.

Salif GAYE, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iba Der Thiam University Thies, Senegal.

Salif Gaye, full professor, Director of Innovation, Valuation, Property Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer to the General Management of Research of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research from Senegal. Director of the Laboratory of Materials and Energetics (LME) of the IUT of the University of Thies. Author of several publications:


  • GAYE et G. MENGUY «Transfert de chaleur : cours et Problèmes » Editions du C.U.T. Liban – 2004 – 123 pages
  • GAYE et G. MENGUY« Energie et Environnement » _ © Presse Universitaire de Dakar – ISBN : 2-913184-47-2 ; EAN : 9782913184473 Octobre 2008 – 113 pages.


  • Valorization of Typha Australis by its Integration in Buildingn Construction Materials”
  • Hygrothermal performance of various typha clay composite
  • Use of Typha Australis in the Habitat for the Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Buildings
  • Thermo-Physical Characterization of Clay Bricks Mixed with Agricultural Waste: Case Millet’s Pod

How to Cite

Abdallah DADI Mahamat, Abakar ALI, Jean-Michel Mechling, and Salif GAYE , Trans., “Characterization of Diatomite for Its use in Construction: Case Diatomite Sampled in Northern Chad”, IJEAT, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 32–36, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.A4293.1013123.
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