Improved Performance of a Grid-Connected Inverter with Two PV Array Input under Different Environment Conditions using Adaptive Neuro Fis Based Control

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Ankit Shukla
Rajesh Kr Ahuja
Bharti Thakur


Grid-connected inverters based on solar PV cells are becoming increasingly common. At times, the PV can be subjected to a certain environmental situation, such as varying irradiance or temperature. Present developments in gird-connected PV inverters do not have many reliable yields or reliability in this case. In this article, an improved control framework system is intended for two PV that are mismatched in various ways, resulting in a highly effective grid-connected solar inverter with THD under 1% for both voltage and current. The regulator employs a control scheme comprised of an ANFIS-based control system that works in tandem with the incremental conductance technique of MPPT. The outcomes are simulated and validated using MATLAB Simulink.


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How to Cite
Ankit Shukla, Rajesh Kr Ahuja, and Bharti Thakur , Trans., “Improved Performance of a Grid-Connected Inverter with Two PV Array Input under Different Environment Conditions using Adaptive Neuro Fis Based Control”, IJAENT, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1–5, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijaent.A4280.10101023.

How to Cite

Ankit Shukla, Rajesh Kr Ahuja, and Bharti Thakur , Trans., “Improved Performance of a Grid-Connected Inverter with Two PV Array Input under Different Environment Conditions using Adaptive Neuro Fis Based Control”, IJAENT, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1–5, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijaent.A4280.10101023.
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